
November 2021


8 Ways To Make a New Running Routine Actually Stick

When you first start running, it’s easy to find the motivation to hit the road. You’re full of energy and determined not only to lose weight but also stay active for life because it feels so good! However, after sticking with your running plan (or starting a new one) for several weeks/months/years, staying motivated can be difficult. You may even find yourself avoiding your running routine more often than not. But it’s possible to get back on track! Here are 8 ways to help you take control of your motivation and achieve your fitness goals.

1: Set Goals

The running routine you begin should be part of a bigger plan, i.e. losing weight or improving your fitness level. It’s best to set specific goals for each day/week/month rather than just saying you’d like to continue running for the next few months. This will help to keep things interesting and prevent boredom from setting in.

2: Find a Training Partner

Training for an event such as a 5K run is much easier when there’s someone else to keep you accountable and motivate you to rest up between runs, i.e. before the next training session. You could even train for different events so you’ll always have goals to work towards.

3: Use Technology

When you’re running, there’s often no one around to keep you accountable. So, using technology can be a great way to monitor your progress and stay motivated. You could sign up to a website such as MapMyRun which tracks your route and speed so you know how far and fast you’ve run, for example.

4: Dress the Part

If you enjoy shopping, this tip will definitely appeal to you! Treat yourself to some running gear that makes you feel comfortable and confident. For instance, if there are certain colors or styles that make you happy when you look in the mirror, then don’t think twice – just buy it and let it serve as motivation and encouragement to continue running.

5: Give Yourself a Boost

Choosing to take a Pre Workout for Running can help improve your workout and give you that extra energy boost needed to finish a tough run. If you’ve been training for some time, this might be the extra incentive you need to get back on track and make sure you’re still looking after yourself while exercising.

6: Reward Yourself

After getting through each week/month of running with a new personal best, it’s important to give yourself a pat on the back and reward yourself! Whether you choose to take yourself out for drinks or plan a long weekend away, the choice is yours. But realize that doing so will help to motivate you to get back out on the road and keep pushing yourself.

7: Find Running Routines That Work for You

If you’re really struggling to exercise more regularly, it’s important to work out how often you need to run in order to achieve your fitness goals. For instance, if you want to lose weight at a slow pace, running 3 times per week is enough. But if you’d like to compete against friends or sign up for a race, you may need to run 5-6 times per week.

8: Focus on the Goal, Not the Workout

When you’re struggling to run and your motivation levels are really low, it’s important to focus on what you want to achieve rather than how much fun you don’t have when running. Basically, do everything in your power to stay positive that things will get better.

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Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that’s present in many foods, notably fruits and vegetables. It’s well recognized for being a potent antioxidant and having favorable impacts on skin health and immunological function. It’s also necessary for collagen formation, connective tissue, bones, teeth, and your tiny blood vessels. The human body cannot generate or store vitamin C. Therefore, and it’s vital to drink it consistently in suitable amounts. The current daily dose (DV) for vitamin C is 90 mg which is fulfilled by liposomal vitamin C. Deficiency symptoms include bleeding gums, recurrent bruising and infections, poor wound healing, anemia, and scurvy.


Here are some tips for getting the most vitamin C out of your daily diet:

Grapefruit is one of the most excellent fruit sources of vitamin C, with roughly 88 milligrams of the good stuff. And, because this crucial vitamin is water-soluble, it is necessary to receive it regularly through food (or drink). Water-soluble vitamins don’t keep around very long in our systems. The body absorbs what it needs at the time, and the excess is flushed out in your urine. (Fat-soluble vitamins persist considerably longer.

Eat your fruits and veggies raw whenever possible. When you prepare them, you deprive the meal of some of its critical nutrients. Cooking significantly affects water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C.

Keep a dish of vitamin-C-rich fruit in the house for snacking. A grapefruit for breakfast is not a bad idea. You may also consider eating more oranges, mangos, and kiwifruit.

Have a light lunch with a side of crudité. Raw broccoli and red peppers are solid in this potent antioxidant.

Eat more fermented veggies. One dish of kimchee (a traditional Korean cuisine made of fermented cabbage) contains nearly half of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C. Sauerkraut is also an excellent alternative; just be sure you get it in the refrigerated area. In addition to vitamin C and other vitamins, kimchee and sauerkraut also include gut-strengthening bacteria.


The Kakadu plum is an Australian natural superfood providing 100 times more liposomal vitamin C than oranges. It possesses the most significant known concentration of vitamin C, with up to 5,300 milligrams per 100 grams. Just one plum provides 481 mg of vitamin C, which is 530 percent of the DV. It’s also rich in potassium, vitamin E, and the antioxidant lutein, which may aid eye health.


Just one-half cup of acerola cherries gives 913 percent of the necessary DV for vitamin C. The fruit may potentially have cancer-fighting capabilities, although human-based research is scarce.


The rosehip is a tiny, sweet, tart fruit from the rose plant. It’s loaded with vitamin C. Approximately six rose hips offer 119 mg of vitamin C or 132 percent of the DV (10). (10). Vitamin C is essential for collagen formation, which preserves skin integrity as you age. Studies have shown that vitamin C decreases UV damage to the skin, decreasing wrinkles, dryness, and discoloration and enhancing its overall look. Vitamin C also improves wound healing and inflammatory skin diseases like dermatitis.


The liposomal vitamin C content of sweet or bell peppers rises as they develop. Just one-half cup (75 grams) of yellow peppers delivers 137 milligrams of vitamin C, or 152 percent of the DV, which is double the amount found in green peppers. Consuming adequate vitamin C is vital for your eye health and may help guard against cataract advancement. Research in over 300 women revealed that those with greater vitamin C intakes had a 33 percent decreased risk of cataract advancement than those with the lowest intakes.


Thyme provides more vitamin C than other culinary herbs with 160 milligrams per 100 grams. One ounce of fresh thyme offers 50 percent of the DV for vitamin C. Thyme, and other foods strong in vitamin C enhance your immune.


One cup of raw chopped mustard spinach offers 195 mg of vitamin C or 217 percent of the DV. Even though the heat from cooking diminishes the vitamin C content in foods, one cup of cooked mustard greens still offers 117 mg of vitamin C or 130 percent of the DV. As with many dark, leafy greens, mustard spinach is also high in vitamin A, potassium, calcium, manganese, fiber, and folate.


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable. One-half cup of cooked broccoli contains 51 milligrams of vitamin C or 57 percent of the DV. Numerous observational studies have demonstrated a probable relationship between consuming sufficient of vitamin-C-rich cruciferous vegetables and less oxidative stress, enhanced immunity, and a decreased risk of cancer and heart disease. One randomized research offered 27 young men who were frequent smokers a 250-gram dose of steamed broccoli with 146 mg of vitamin C per day. After ten days, their levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein were fallen by 48 percent.


One cup (145 grams) of papaya offers 87 milligrams of vitamin C or 97 percent of the DV. Liposomal vitamin C also helps memory and has significant anti-inflammatory benefits in the brain. According to the doctor, 20 persons with mild Alzheimer’s were given a concentrated papaya extract for six months. The results revealed lower inflammation and a 40 percent reduction in oxidative stress.


Vitamin C is required for optimal health. Because it is rich in many plant foods, eating a balanced diet that includes a range of fruits and vegetables generally supplies all the vitamin C they require. People who seek to enhance their liposomal vitamin C consumption can do so by eating rich sources of the vitamin each day. Vitamin C is crucial for your immune system, connective tissue, heart and blood vessel function, and many other essential tasks. Not receiving enough of this vitamin might have harmful impacts on your health. While citrus fruits may be the most recognized source of vitamin C, a broad array of fruits and vegetables are high in this vitamin and may even exceed the quantities found in citrus fruits. A diet rich in liposomal vitamin C is a vital step toward good health and illness prevention.

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Beginners guide to supplement

 Supplements will never be able to substitute appropriate nutrition, although they can assist you in achieving your fitness objectives more quickly! Various supplements, including such as Liposomal Vitamin C, can be used to supplement your diet and fill in nutrient deficiencies. In addition, it guarantees that your metabolism has all it requires to work at its best.

Before you fall for the latest pre-workout drug or some strange component that a fitness guru claims will help you stronger muscles like body hair, read this guide thoroughly since it has everything you’ll need to get off to a good start.

The appropriate vitamins can help you improve your health, performance, and physique regardless of your training goals are. Obviously, you should constantly be aware of the type of fuel you use for your tank. To put it another way, never use anything without understanding.

Before jumping on the bandwagon of taking supplements, let’s learn a bit about supplements.

How do you explain Supplements?

Supplements are consumables meant to give the person nutrient benefits but are not intended to be used as a meal replacement. They are divided into two groups: food and non-food.

Food supplements: They give the nutrients that a well-balanced diet would provide. Protein shakes, Liposomal Vitamin Cand fish oils are the most prevalent food supplements (Omega-3).

Non-food supplements are designed to help improve a specific aspect of our health, recovery, or performance and deliver nutrients found at inefficient levels in our diets. Caffeine and creatine are two common examples of nutrients that can’t be obtained in adequate amounts through our diets but boost athletic performance.

The below-mentioned seven mini-tips will help you construct a healthy supplement foundation assuming you already take a multivitamin.

Powdered Protein

Pros: They are a practical method to add more proteins to your diet, especially if you’re having trouble meeting your protein goals or are on the go because they’re easy to pack and drink.

Cons: On the other hand, they aren’t a valuable source of many other minerals and vitamins, so I suggest having your protein from an organic food source, such as chicken, fish, or lentils, in each of your diets, which also provide additional nutritional benefits.


Pros: These powders, when dissolved in water, help maintain fluid balance before and after exercise, preventing dehydration and muscular cramps. That’s why they’re so popular among those who do a lot of high-intensity or long-distance training. Ensure the powder contains potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium to get the most out of it.

Cons: Because these drinks are primarily used for long-duration or high-intensity activity, their sugar content is unaffected. However, due to the high quantities of magnesium in these beverages, excessive use might produce weakness and nausea. Therefore it’s vital to drink lots of plain water with them.

Liposomal Vitamin C

Pros: Liposomes are utilized to enclose nutrients or medicinal medications to protect them from stomach acids and decrease absorption resistance. Vitamin C cannot leave the liposome once it has been encapsulated until the bilayer is disturbed, such as during absorption or decomposition in the body.

The liposome shields its contents from the stomach’s harsh acids, allowing for better assimilation in the intestinal stomach system. When a liposome is absorbed from the gut, it is broken down, and the liposome components have entered the bloodstream. The phosphatidylcholine-rich lipids that are widely employed in the creation of liposomes are also used to invent novel cells elsewhere in the body.

Liposomal Vitamin C is rapidly becoming more frequent in administering targeted medicines, and other liposomal supplements, such as N-acetyl-carnitine and curcumin, are undergoing efficacy trials.

Cons: Are there any drawbacks to taking Vitamin C? However, any supplement’s balance and dosage are critical for proper ingestion. Always be vigilant on the quantity of supplements you’re prescribed!


Pros: This supplement has been demonstrated to help with increased maximal strength, sprint performance, and the ability to operate at maximum effort repeatedly. Recommended amounts are 3-6g per day in the workout time for both men and women.

Cons: Weight gain of 1-2kg is expected during the first few days of use. However, the bulk of this will be fluid.

Fatty Acid (FA) (Omega)

Pros: According to research, these pills can reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and boost brain function. They’re most effective at doses of 2-4g per day, and they’re suitable for everyone, but especially for people recovering from surgery or who are overweight.

Cons: High doses may react poorly with several other medicines for diabetics or anybody using blood thinners, so if you have any of these conditions, please check your doctor before using them. Not all companies have the same quantity of ingredients in their supplements; talk to your doctor about which mix will actually work for you.


Magnesium shortage has been linked to muscle weakness, nausea, unwelcome weight loss, insomnia, and muscle cramps. For adults, between 350 and 420 mg is recommended per day; however, those who engage in strenuous exercise should increase their intake to counteract these symptoms.

Cons: Excessive supplementation might induce adverse effects such as irregular pulse rates, low blood pressure, diarrhea, muscle weakness, and nausea.

Vitamin D

Pros: This supplement has been shown to improve bone health and lessen symptoms of colds, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, pain, and depression. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets or heart problems

Cons: Most supplements only include 400 IU each tablet, which, while within NHS guidelines, some study suggests that we need up to 1000 IU per day to see results. Supplementing appears to be risky only when taking 4000 IUs or more per day, as this can result in greater calcium levels in the blood, which can contribute to renal damage.


After you’ve put up an excellent training and nutrition plan, a supplement like Liposomal Vitamin C will only help you get bigger, tougher, and sleeker.

However, as you’ve already noticed, a considerable buzz and misinformation are floating around in the supplement market. The appropriate vitamins can help you improve your health, performance, and physique regardless of your training goals are. Obviously, you should constantly be aware of the type of fuel you use for your tank. To put it another way, never use anything without understanding.

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