
May 2021


How Does CBD Interact With Other Medications?

While scientists have not yet completely understood how CBD affects the body, they have found that CBD can inhibit the effects of a wide range of medications, including most types of opiate-based pain medications. The reason for this is that CBD prevents the actions of certain opiates, or neurotransmitters, from being inhibited by the brain’s receptors. This allows the receptors to pass the message that the opiate is no longer needed. For example, a patient would experience increased alertness, relaxation, and pain relief when CBD is taken into the body, rather than when the opiate is smoked or injected into the body.

While the above is an extreme example of how CBD works in the body, the principle is essentially the same. When CBD is present in a certain substance, it will prevent other substances from binding with it. Those other substances are then passed through the liver and do not have the ability to affect the user in any way. In some ways, CBD acts as a type of “leverage” for various kinds of drugs. It can prevent certain chemicals from having any noticeable effect on the body, and then it can be stored in the liver for later use.

It is important to realize that the above example is only one scenario in which CBD may interact with different medications. One other scenario is where CBD interacts with other compounds. For instance, there are several different anti-anxiety medications that interact with CBD. This shows us that CBD may either prevent the interaction or completely stop it.

Another scenario in which CBD can interact with different drugs is when a doctor prescribes two different kinds of medication. In many cases, the two different drugs must be taken separately in order for them to interact properly. However, if CBD is present in the second medication, it can prevent the two drugs from being combined and thus prevent some serious side effects.

Of course, we are only beginning to understand how this particular compound can be used effectively to treat diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. There are other potential side effects that CBD may cause, however. For instance, CBD has been shown to be extremely harmful if consumed in its pure form. When CBD is included in a topical ointment or cream, it may interact with the drug and cause severe skin and throat irritation. If this occurs, the patient could develop an adverse reaction that is life threatening. In some rare cases, CBD has also been found to trigger the pancreas into secretion of excessive insulin.

As you can see, it is important to consult your doctor before taking CBD. When in doubt, always consult your doctor before taking anything new, including CBD drug interactions. Your doctor will be able to determine whether or not your body is able to handle CBD and any potential interactions that might occur. Make sure to read all of the information on the label of your products carefully and follow directions carefully. This will help you to protect yourself and your health.

This post was written by Flo Sugyatno, operations manager of PureMed and CBD Expert. At PureMed we are the best providers of CBD oil in Washington DC! We know that the best product comes from the best ingredients. That’s why we only use local, non-GMO ingredients that are grown without pesticides! We Produce Worry-Free CBD.

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The Lowdown on Medical Laboratory Science

A medical lab or diagnostic laboratory is basically a laboratory where various tests are performed on assorted clinical samples to get vital information regarding a particular patient’s health in order to aid in treatment, diagnosis, and preventative measure for various diseases. With the advent of modern technology and highly developed instruments and equipment, the quality of diagnostic test has also improved. In addition, the entire process has become more reliable and accurate. Thus, various tests performed at a medical lab can now be used for early gender testing.

The primary use of medical laboratories is for obtaining important information regarding the condition, health, and possibility of a person. This is vital in order for doctors and other medical professionals to properly plan and prepare an effective treatment method or procedure for a certain condition or ailment. For example, a doctor may recommend testing for sexually transmitted diseases if he notices signs of genital warts or other reproductive diseases like gonorrhea or Chlamydia. Thus, in order to effectively diagnose these conditions, the medical lab performs a series of tests that may include anal pap smear, urinalysis, and other tests.

With advancements in diagnostic testing, more clinical laboratory scientists and technicians have become self-employed. These individuals work for healthcare facilities or hospitals and perform different types of tests on a wide variety of patients. They also help doctors by administering and interpreting their results. However, not all medical laboratory technicians and scientists are able to land high-level positions in hospitals or other medical institutions due to several factors.

According to a study, the majority of applicants vying for positions as medical laboratory scientists and assistants apply with companies specializing in recruitment of examiners or technicians. This is because most applicants are from lower socioeconomic backgrounds that may limit them to doing administrative tasks. Another reason why some people opt for vocations in the medical laboratory technician and scientist field is because they can do analytical tasks even at home. For instance, they can analyze a patient’s blood specimen or perform simple tests like allergy testing or stool analysis by themselves. This allows them to save money while fulfilling their passion of helping people.

To prepare for an aspiring career as a medical lab tech or scientist, it is important for one to undergo formal training. It may come from accredited schools or community colleges. Upon graduation, individuals need to take an exam that would evaluate his/her aptitude and specific training in performing certain laboratory tasks. Some of these tasks include analyzing vitals, blood samples, testing for infections, preparing patients for surgical procedures, analyzing eye and tissue samples and more.

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Can Stem Cell Therapy Repair Damaged Knees?

More than a quarter of Americans will have knee pain at some point in their lives, many of whom will experience disruptions to their daily life due to their discomfort. While there are therapies available to help, including medication and physical therapy, people with more severe symptoms often require surgery. Of course, invasive procedures carry their own risks and may have long recovery periods.

Recently, an alternate option for anyone who may be dealing with significant knee pain but would like to delay or avoid surgery: stem cell therapy. Here’s a closer look at what it entails.

Stem Cell Treatment for Knees

Stem cell therapy uses the body’s natural repair kit to reduce pain. While most cells in the body only have one job, stem cells can divide and differentiate into virtually any other specialized cell, including muscle cells. While the full potential of stem cells has not yet been discovered, many researchers have found that they can help to regenerate tissue. This ability is particularly useful in injuries that don’t heal well on their own, such as joint issues.

In this treatment, stem cells are either donated from umbilical cord-derived tissue (Wharton’s Jelly) or sourced from the patient themselves, in the form of bone marrow or adipose (fat) tissue. Then, the cells are readministered to target areas of the knee to repair damaged tissue and replace cells that have been compromised, such as seen in arthritis, or an injury.

While results may vary from one patient to the next, there has been evidence that stem cell therapy can reduce discomfort in the knee by as much as 75%. This could also be attributed to the stem cells’ ability to minimize inflammation. Although the treatment won’t necessarily reverse the damage that’s already been done, patients may be able to enjoy benefits such as reduced pain and joint stiffness, enhanced mobility, and reduced dependency on pain medications.

As with any treatment, it’s important to ensure you’re pursuing stem cell therapy through a trusted provider. Since the treatment involves injecting stem cells into the body, only clinics with the most stringent quality control measures in place should be considered. Additionally, you’ll want to discuss potential benefits and risks with your provider, including what type of results you might expect to see based on your unique condition.

This post was written by a medical professional at Stemedix Inc. At Stemedix we provide access to Regenerative Medicine. Regenerative medicine has the natural potential to help improve symptoms sometimes lost from the progression of many conditions. Click here to learn more.

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Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy In Place Of Invasive Treatments for Knee/Ankle Pain

Joint and knee pain are quite common among adults, and over 20% of adults over 45 years of age have arthritis. Failing to treat the problem results in more wear and tear of the muscles and worsens inflammation leading to pain, swelling, redness, stiffness, weakness, and eventually loss of function. The pain can hinder our mobility affecting the quality of life.

Reasons for knee and ankle pain:

  • Ligament injury resulting in fracture/ sprain
  • Overuse of muscles
  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis

Sometimes, over-the-counter pain killers provide relief, but prolonged use of painkillers isn’t recommended due to its associated side effects. People can manage it to a small extent by making lifestyle changes, exercise, changes in diet, weight loss, heat/ cold therapy, natural remedies, etc.

The conservative forms of treatment prescribed for arthritis and knee pain are steroid injections, invasive surgical procedures like partial or whole knee replacement (in severe cases), or orthopedic treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, physical therapy which can be costly, have long recovery time along with a questionable success rate.

Alternative to conservative treatment – Stem cells:

The newly emerging, non-invasive treatment for knee and joint pain is stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy involves using one’s stem cells to treat inflammation. It is touted as a miracle cure for several health conditions ranging from spinal problems to wrinkles. It isn’t yet FDA approved and clinical trials are underway to explore its potential in the medical field.

Introduction to stem cell therapy:

Stem cells are immature, basic smells that haven’t yet developed into other body cells like nerve cells or skin cells. Different types of stem cells serve different needs. Our body manufactures stem cells in the bone marrow. Stem cell treatment works by harnessing the regenerative effects of stem cells.

The stem cells are believed to trigger the repair of damaged tissues. They are considered as our body’s natural healing resource and help to renew cells present throughout our body. When stem cells are injected into the injured area, it is believed to suppress inflammation and reverse disease progression.

The process involved in stem cell therapy:

The process involved in stem cell therapy for knee pain involves:

  • Blood stem cells are extracted from our bone marrow through aspiration which involves minimal discomfort. It is natural to experience minimal pain after this extraction process.
  • The doctor injects the extracted stem cells into the affected joints.

As per researchers stem cells deliver positive effects by developing into needed cartilage cells, suppress inflammation, and release cytokines that decrease cartilage degeneration and pain. Generally, one session would help in controlling knee/ ankle pain. Very few patients require more than one session.

Depending on the clinic you choose, stem cells can be injected along with other elements like platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is also followed as a stand-alone treatment for treating arthritis. When PRP is combined with stem cell therapy for ankle pain, the effectiveness is further multiplied.

Side effects:

Fortunately, the side effects are minimal. Since we are injecting our stem cell, the risk of infections and complications are cut down. Some may experience temporary pain and swelling. There may be risks when:

  • The wrong type of stem cell is injected
  • The stem cells are cultured
  • The stem cells are mixed with chemicals

Since the procedure isn’t standardized problems can arise depending on where the stem cell was harvested from, no clarity regarding the number of stem cells to be used, lack of ways to determine if a person’s stem cells are competent enough to help with healing. Many clinics perform the procedure under X-ray or ultrasound guidance to reduce the risk of complications.

Safety concerns:

Stem cell therapy isn’t yet FDA-approved for treating knee and ankle pain because of:

  • Lack of ample research
  • Absence of a standard procedure to preparing the necessary injection
  • Lack of evidence confirming the safe results


Despite not being FDA-approved, many clinics offer this therapy as a treatment for knee and ankle pain. Due to the lack of standardization of the procedure, there is no set amount for the procedure. The cost varies between clinics and cab cost up to several thousand dollars. Only a few insurance companies cover the treatment.

Questions to ask your doctor before going ahead with the therapy?

The effectiveness of the treatment varies depending on the doctor who performs it. Before going ahead with the treatment ask the following questions to your doctor to avert risks.

  • How many stem cell therapy cases have you dealt with?
  • What kind of medical imaging do you employ to maximize accuracy?
  • How will the extracted stem cells be harvested?
  • How did your past patients with similar joint damage respond to the therapy?
  • May I know about the possible risks and complications?

Looking for the best clinics in Irvine?

If you considering stem cell therapy for arthritis pain and looking for an experienced doctor in Irvine, schedule an appointment with Podiatrist Irvine. They are one of the top clinics in Irvine offering stem cell therapy services. Their experienced team of doctors extracts stems cells from a patient’s umbilical cord or bone marrow tissue.

  • Umbilical cord stem cells: Double spin method is used to harvest umbilical cord stem cells. The lab staffs prepare a specific number of stem cells for injection and inject it along with rich plasma for effective and fast healing.
  • Knee stem cell therapy: Their stem cell therapy is effective against knee pain and lower back pain. It is a safer alternative to knee replacement surgery. Concentrated stem cells are injected into the affected knee to initiate the healing process.

Knee and joint pain impends our ability to go on about our daily work. You don’t have to live with arthritis and knee pain. Has the problem assessed by a doctor to ensure it isn’t something serious? Talk to your doctor about how effective stem cell therapy would work for you. Try this non-invasive treatment method and get rid of knee/ joint pain.

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How to Evaluate a Physician-Owned Pain Management Practice

There is an increasing focus across the healthcare industry on the concept of pain management. After all, many patients simply do not want to experience the pain that is associated with certain medical procedures or ailments, and many doctors are looking to provide them with additional methods of pain management.

It has also become much more common for physicians to work with specific groups of specialty patients in order to manage chronic pain, such as those with cancer or multiple sclerosis. Additionally, there have also been a growing number of large publicly traded and independent practice management firms to emerge in recent years, which serve as additional ways for doctors to access capital and experience for their own practices, lower overhead and realize a quick liquidation of their practices if they cannot drum up business.

While this level of interest is certainly encouraging to any physician looking to build a practice focused on pain management, you should also consider a few important factors. Not all physician-owned practices are created equal, and here are some things to keep in mind as you examine that physician-owned practice is best suited for you.

First, you will want to make sure that you find a healthcare provider who will work to find cause for tingling in your head. Many physicians are eager to sign on as a partner with a particular firm, especially if it means additional revenue for them, but many patients are hesitant to allow the healthcare providers that they are using to treat their pain manage their diseases and disorders.

For this reason, you will want to take your time in selecting the right physician-owned pain management practice. Take a look at the website for each organization to see if you can get an idea of the type of relationships that are on the horizon between the organizations and whether or not you feel more comfortable working with one rather than another.

Second, you need to ensure that your physicians have a good relationship with their practice’s clients. After all, this is going to be your connection to that particular practice. The kind of work that your physician performs will impact the way that you view him or her. For example, if you see your physician performing surgeries on people who are in pain, you may think less highly of him or her and give your referrals to someone else. You do not want to work with someone who does not view you as an integral part of their practice. In order to establish this kind of relationship, it is important that your physician has patient referrals from other physicians or healthcare professionals.

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