Have you ever felt that the outside world was overwhelming? Like the walls are closing in, and there’s no way out?
Life can be challenging, and sometimes it’s hard to see past all the things not going as you wanted. That’s where a life coach steps in.
What is life coaching?
Life coaching involves helping someone find their answers by asking questions, actively listening, mirroring, and creating a safe space. It’s about exploring the things that matter the most to you by facilitating your conversation with your inner, authentic self.
Life coaching can help with the following:
- Identifying core values.
- Taking cognisance of the behavioural patterns.
- Goal setting and achievement.
- Creating clarity around what’s important to you in your life.
- Focusing on your strengths instead of weaknesses.
- Building confidence and self-esteem.
A life coach isn’t merely there to tell you what needs to be done. They help you by reflecting objectively along the way so that you can make your own choices with confidence and power!
Who is a good life coach?
Any life coach worth his salt must encourage you to explore your feelings and thoughts without any judgment. This, in turn, gives you a greater understanding of yourself and why you think or feel the way you do.
Mindfulness coaching with a life coach in Melbourne can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life instead of only harping on the negative ones. It can be done through journaling or other forms of self-expression. Having a coach will make the reflection process that much easier.
Good life coaches often use visualisation techniques that allow clients to see themselves in different situations and the way they react depending on various triggers. These techniques have proven effective in helping people overcome fears and anxieties about specific concerns or circumstances.
Why should you get life coaching?
Life coaching helps you change your mindset by providing a safe space, to be honest with yourself and others whilst empowering you with the tools and encouragement to move forward.
When you’re working with a coach, they’ll help you identify what is holding you back from reaching your goals and then work with you to surmount those impediments. Life coaches can be an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to make changes but feels stuck or unsure about how to do that.
A coach can look at the whole picture, not just what’s happening now. They will also take the time to understand what has happened in the past and where it might have led to this point. They’ll then help you learn from those experiences so that they don’t happen again.
How can a life coach help you achieve a stronger, healthier mindset?
The answer is straightforward. A life coach helps your mindset by providing unbiased feedback, support, and accountability.
Helps you assess your current state
Sometimes just being able to get your inner turmoil out in front of a trustworthy person can be such a relief. Whenever life throws you a curveball, a life coach can help you assess your mindset and recalibrate it to your advantage. A life coach will ask you questions to draw out your current fears or assumptions. This will help you develop self-awareness.
Helps you find your values and set goals accordingly
A lot of the distress that we feel in life is because we set goals without having any awareness of our values. A life coach helps you identify your values through various exercises and methodologies. Mindfulness coaching is one of them. It can help you realise your goals by providing clarity and direction. A coach will help you to make sense of the tangled web of responsibilities that come with achieving your goals. They’ll be able to give you the guidance and support needed to get unstuck.
Gives you an objective and unbiased view
Sometimes we need someone else’s perspective to see things clearly, and our friends and peers may not want to upset us by speaking the truth. They may even deliver the truth rather harshly, much to the detriment of your mental health. A life coach is trained to be as unbiased and objective as possible. Apart from providing support and accountability, a coach will give you objective feedback about your progress toward your goals. It just needs to be constructive if you’re struggling with self-doubt.
Keeps you focussed on your goal
You may already be working towards your goals and dreams. But negative thought patterns, childhood traumas, and self-deprecating behaviours may keep you from staying on track. You may have yet to consider how a life coach near you can help you achieve them. A life coach will let you bounce ideas and views without judgment. They’ll ask questions and help you set out the next steps you need to take. But that isn’t all; they’ll also support you and hold you accountable for the milestones you set out to achieve.
Summing it up
Mindfulness is a way to train your mind to focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the past or future. It lets you become self-aware so that you can make better decisions and become more adept at time management.
At Leigh Stafford life coaching in Melbourne, we offer several mindfulness coaching programs to help people work on a healthy mindset. You can also book a free session if personal development is something that you want to work on in the New Year.