
Heart Doctor Singapore: What can a Heart Doctor Detect?

Just as it sounds, a heart doctor is a doctor who deals with all heart conditions. This could be Aortic Stenosis, Angina, Rheumatic Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, and many more. Check their services on this page:

A cardiologist can diagnose you with multiple heart conditions. Discussed below are just some of the diseases that a heart doctor can detect:

  • Rheumatic Heart Disease

This is an inflammatory disease caused by an infection that leads to autoimmune inflammation of the valves and lining of the heart and other tissues in the body. Rheumatic fever is an acute, febrile illness that may follow streptococcal pharyngitis. It affects approximately 33.4 million people worldwide and about 300,000-500,000 new cases occur with as much as 230,000 deaths being recoded every year.

●      Aortic Stenosis

Aortic Stenosis is a narrowing of the aortic valve orifice that restricts blood flow from the left ventricle into the aorta. With severe aortic Stenosis, symptoms develop at rest in adults and during exertion in children due to markedly reduced cardiac output. Symptoms include syncope, angina pectoris, dyspnea on exertion, and palpitations.

●      Aortic Regurgitation

Aortic regurgitation, also called aortic insufficiency or AIR. It is a disorder of the heart in which there is a backward flow of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta during systole. Leaking tricuspid valve rings are responsible for most cases of isolated regurgitant lesions of the mitral valve.

Most patients with mild to moderate AI have no symptoms. New-onset exertional dyspnea, chest pain, lightheadedness, syncope, angina, congestive heart failure (CHF), or cerebral vascular accident might be present if the patient has severe AI.

●      Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become hardened and narrowed due to plaque buildup. Some of this hardening and narrowing is caused by atherosclerosis, where fatty substances such as cholesterol build up in and narrow the coronary arteries.

●      Pericarditis

Pericarditis, which is sometimes called pericardial inflammation or pericardial effusion, can cause chest pain similar to angina, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing because of pressure on the lungs, an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), and lightheadedness or feeling faint. The pericardium is the membranous sac that surrounds your heart.

●      Heart Attack

A heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction, occurs when one of the blood vessels that supply the heart becomes blocked. This blockage cuts off oxygen to some of your heart muscles. When this happens, you can have severe chest pain or discomfort in other areas of your upper body, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, cold sweats, and lightheadedness.

●      Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body. If not treated, congestive heart failure can progress quickly, leading to decreased endurance during physical activity. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, swelling in body parts of your waist (especially legs), trouble breathing, and prolonged coughing.

There are several other diseases of the heart that your heart doctor can diagnose you with, and this list is not exhaustive. If you’d like more information on these and other heart conditions, please contact your doctor in Singapore.

Why would you be referred to a Cardiologist?

There are several reasons why you would be referred to a heart doctor in Singapore. Usually, it is because you have issues with which only the heart doctor is best placed to diagnose you with. If you are experiencing chest pain, breathlessness, abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias), or fainting episodes, it is best to be referred to a cardiologist for an expert opinion.

Or alternatively, if your GP thinks that there may be something wrong with your heart – e.g., through any history of high blood pressure or other risk factors that might predispose you to having heart problems, they will refer you to the cardiologist for further tests and advice. The sooner that these issues can be detected, the better chance you have of avoiding damage to your heart – therefore, early diagnosis is paramount.

How Early Detection can save your Life

Because so many diseases of the heart can go unnoticed without regular checkups and tests, it is advisable to see your heart doctor after every few weeks or months (or as advised by your GP). Heart diseases may sneak up on you without much warning and can lead to serious complications or even death if left untreated for too long.

Although the threat of heart disease seems distant, early detection and treatment can make a big difference in whether you survive an attack. Without a professional opinion, you could be putting yourself at risk for undiagnosed problems.

Some people may ignore the warning signs that they have heart disease because it does not affect them as directly as other diseases. Heart disease is often associated with older individuals; however, even young and middle-aged adults can fall victim to this medical condition as well.

Being diagnosed with such diseases as early as possible gives doctors more time to treat your condition and helps avoid bigger problems down the line. Here are a few easy steps that can help prevent or reduce serious health risks:

  • Keep track of your family history: If you have a parent or sibling with heart disease or stroke, check-in regularly with your family doctor to make sure you’re staying on top of the game.
  • Watch your weight: If you’re overweight, losing just 10 to 20 pounds can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Eat healthily: A diet that’s high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in saturated fat can reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke.
  • Keep moving: Even 30 minutes of activity a day can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Reducing stress also helps keep your heart healthy.
  • Stop smoking: Cigarette smokers are more likely to have a heart attack compared with nonsmokers, and quitting smoking can help your body recover from damage to your heart.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that early detection can save your life, so get checkups regularly and ask questions to stay healthy. If you don’t know where to start, consult our experts at Sunrise Heart and Internal Medicine Clinic for more information about how to maintain a healthy heart.

Sunrise Heart and Internal Medicine Clinic has several consultants who specialize in a variety of areas. Their extensive knowledge and experience can help you understand your current health status better and give you a team-based approach to staying well. Call: +6596873732.

Sunrise Heart Clinic – Heart Check Up | Treadmill ECG Test | Echocardiogram

365 Sembawang Cres, #01-02, Singapore 750365

+65 6235 1137
